Member Login



The National Guard Association of Louisiana will begin its annual membership drive beginning November 1st, 2023 thru 30 June 2024.  When you join the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and the National Guard Association of Louisiana (NGALA), you add your voice to thousands of others who understand the role of the National Guard in the nation’s security and want to enhance its capabilities to perform that vital mission at home and overseas.

New and existing members – To renew your membership dues or if you are seeking to join for the first time, select the ‘Join NGAUS’ table on the NGAUS home page.

  1. From there simply select Renew or Join and you will be prompted to either sign in or create an account.  Join us here.
  2. Update your demographic information.
  3. Select your NGAUS and State membership options.  Save and Finish.  This will bring you to the payment screen.
  4. Please use your civilian email as this will also not only count as your username but also as the email where you will receive alerts and notifications.

Newly commissioned or appointed officers or warrant officers will still be entitled to a complimentary membership.  Simply ensure that you select the newly commissioned option in the membership process.  Complimentary membership eligibility begins in the year that you are commissioned or appointed and ends on December 31st of the following year.

Any officer who is scheduled to retire or separate in 2023-2024 should consider selecting the Annual Retire Membership or Retired Lifetime Membership options. 

At this past national NGAUS conference, a vote to update the national membership dues was passed.  The national and state dues are shown below.

The success and strength of our Association relies on our membership. Remember each and every member counts!  Our deadline for dues is June 30, 2024 to NGAUS. Thank you for your support!

NGAUS Member Benefits

Quick and Easy Way to Sign Up for a Complimentary Membership

New Complimentary Form for new members.  This link will take you to the NGAUS online site where you can manually enter your information in under 5 minutes.

NGAUS Complimentary Application Here

It will take a couple business days for NGAUS to create your account but once complete, you’ll receive the free NGAUS monthly magazine and access to all that NGAUS offers.  Please take your time to consider joining and recommend you review the Legislation and News & Publication tabs for keep updated with current events effecting our Soldiers and Airmen.  

Become a life member at half the cost!

NGAUS is excited to announce the Digital Life Membership. The Digital Life Membership offers you all of the rights and privileges of the Active life membership at half the cost. The only difference is you will receive the NATIONAL GUARD magazine digitally.

This membership is offered to all currently serving National Guard Officers and Warrant Officers at $500 with monthly installment options available at purchase. 

NGAUS Digital Life Membership is available now, please go to to begin the process. Or contact the NGAUS membership department at or 202-454-5319 to set up installment payments.

  If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact 225-716-2014 at NGALA, or Tracy Campfield at 202-408-5880 at NGAUS.  NGAUS Active Lifetime Memberships can be paid in varied installments within a two-year period.  Currently there is not a way to setup monthly payments to NGAUS for your active lifetime membership so you will have to contact NGAUS directly.

**NEW**Digital Active Lifetime membership available at reduced price of $500.00.  Can be paid via installments over 2 years! Also, if you renew your membership prior to 31 December, NGAUS will add your current membership paid to the digital life membership cost reducing it futher.

  Same sign-up procedure as before, please contact NGAUS directly to establish payment process.


Active Lifetime Digital*500.00N/A500.00
Active Lifetime**1000.00N/A1000.00
Separated/Retired Annual45.0015.0060.00
Separated/Retired Lifetime125.00100.00225.00
Civilian Associate Annual50.0015.0065.00
Civilian Associate Lifetime500.00100.00600.00

* Will receive digital magazine only and email updates

** Will receive hard copy magazine and email updates